Is 2019 the Year That Hawaii Legalizes Recreational Marijuana?
2019 may be the year that the Hawaii Legislature approves recreational marijuana for Hawaii's citizens. Naysayers would point out that there is a legalization bill that's introduced every year (for 9 years now) and each year it fails to get out of committee or it doesn't receive the necessary votes needed to pass. However this year may be the year that things change. Why? Because for the first time the Hawaii Democratic leadership has made legalization one of it's priorities. Nearly half of Hawaii’s Senators have signaled their support for this bill and it’s clear that our politicians are excited to sponsor this progressive issue; and get their hands on the tax revenues that other Western states like Washington and Alaska are enjoying. If you'd like your voice heard on this issue you can attend the public hearing on Senate Bill 686 at the Hawaii Legislature on January 31, 2019 at 9AM in room 16 (that's downstairs). Make your voice heard and keep up to date with developments on SB686 by checking back here.